In the wild, the savannah monitor eats mostly insects and other invertebrates. They eat scorpions, slugs, wasps, beetles, centipedes and the giant cricket Brachytrupes membranaceus (which make up approximately half of a juvenile’s diet). They also occasionally take amphibians.
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In captivity, they are fed mostly with mice, pellets, cat food (make sure he doesn't get too fat !), red runners, grasshoppers, mealworms and a lot of other insects. Eggs are a good occasional treat. Food can be dusted with vitamin powders to improve nutrition.
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| | | | Copyright : F_vd_Hoeven | |
Unlike a lot of other reptiles, varanids drink a lot of water. Always keep a full water bowl in the enclosure so your monitor can drink or take a soak, which is good for shedding skin. Change the water frequently, because monitors will not hesitate to drink water that they have defecated in.